Author: goddess47
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: R
Genre: Romance
Word Count: 200
Notes: For adventdrabbles Day 5: Snowstorm and for Bathilda Bagshot's Bingo on hp_goldenage: moon
Snowed In (on AO3)
Okay, I think I've lost count again but I'm going to blame that on the most amazing Squee weekend... if you weren't there, you should plan to come…
Ta-da! Sorry for the delay but it's Squee weekend and we're now talking about "bullet proof kinks" -- what sort of kink makes you *always* read the…
Evil author is again evil! ~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~~* [NOTE: If I didn't want to get the story mostly done before Squee Weekend, I'd write some porn…