Rating: PG
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Disclaimer: Sadly, not mine...
Words: 100 x 2
Prompt: #13: Worst Present Ever
Summary: "Lemon drops?" Rodney screeched.
Note: For Adventdrabbles on Insane Journal.
"Lemon drops?" Rodney screeched. "You got me fucking lemon drops?"
John looked into the box, perplexed.
"Is this is your idea of a bad joke?" Rodney demanded.
"Rodney..." John held up his hands and tried to distract Rodney from the rant that was coming.
"You know perfectly well about my citrus allergy!" Rodney continued, rolling over John's protest. "These could kill me!"
"RODNEY!" John shouted.
"WHAT?" Rodney asked. "Why are we shouting?"
"You wouldn't listen," John said patiently.
Rodney gave a hrumph, then gave a get on with it hand wave.
"I did not order lemon drops," John said softly.
Rodney looked at the box in his hands in consternation.
"Then... umm," he stumbled. "Sorry?"
"Accepted," John knew to take what he could get. "It's supposed to be caramels covered with chocolate with a sprinkle of sea salt."
Rodney moaned. "Really? Chocolate and sea salt?"
"And caramels," John promised.
"That's... perfect," Rodney grinned.
"I'll have to try again." He gave a small frown, "But you have to wait for your present."
Rodney moved close. "I still could unwrap something."
"Really?" John asked with a grin. "What would you unwrap?"
Rodney reached for the buttons on John's shirt. "I'd unwrap you."
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