goddess47 (goddess47) wrote,

Ancient City Bingo!!!!!

Love Stargate? Miss the lovely city of Atlantis? Come and join us in an adventure....

We're looking for writers, artists, vidders... creative types of any sort -- who are interested in joining us in creating for and about our beloved city.

This is also a multi-fandom opportunity... cross-overs welcome, just have to be set in Atlantis somehow.

The rules are really laid back and you have an entire year to create. But don't wait too long, you only have until November 15 to request a card.

There is a parallel comm on Live Journal for anyone that prefers to play there.

Interested in playing? Sign ups and rules are here.

Want to help pimp? Use our pretty banners! From here.

ETA: The links here go to Dreamwidth. There's a parallel ancientctybingo on Live Journal, also. Reply/Play where you want.

This entry was originally posted at http://goddess47.dreamwidth.org/1063.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
Tags: pimping

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