goddess47 (goddess47) wrote,

Atlantis Squee!!!!

If you're not friends with neevebrody, well, you should be. But... well, follow the linky to her journal!


Since I'm not going to be here, I'm turning off comments to this journal; leave message for her that you've come by way of my journal.

  • Work in Progress, 26/?

    Okay, I think I've lost count again but I'm going to blame that on the most amazing Squee weekend... if you weren't there, you should plan to come…

  • Work in Progress, 25/?

    Ta-da! Sorry for the delay but it's Squee weekend and we're now talking about "bullet proof kinks" -- what sort of kink makes you *always* read the…

  • Work in Progress, 24/?

    Evil author is again evil! ~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~~* [NOTE: If I didn't want to get the story mostly done before Squee Weekend, I'd write some porn…

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