goddess47 (goddess47) wrote,

Stargate Fests

The Stargate fandom has grown very much smaller from its heyday when any of the series were still being created. But there still are pockets of active Stargate folk who are hanging out, creating works and being merry.

The thing is that we're now also spread across different platforms and don't always get to visit together. The Live Journal and Dreamwidth folk don't always spend time on Tumblr and Discord, and vice versa. And the SGA folk don't always know about SG1 things happening. And I know there are SGU folk out there. Somewhere.

And it turns out that there were two separate "SGA Santa" fests going on at the same time in the Fall. There were a couple of folk who did both, but some of us didn't even know the other existed until it posted. That's okay, but either fest may have had a couple more participants if more folk knew they existed.

So I'm putting together a Stargate Fests list. All fests, of all types, of all durations, of all types of work, of all franchises. If it's related to Stargate, I'll include it on the list.

As an example, romancingmcshep is almost over for 2022, but I just ran across "McShep Month" on Tumblr. If I wasn't a Tumblr user, I would never have seen it.

I'm looking for your Stargate 'fest' - where fest is used in the broadest form of the word. If you'd like to see your fest added to the list, fill out the form: Fest Submission Form

There isn't a lot there right now, but I'd love to see a longer list... and if there's something critical that needs to be added in terms of fest details, I'd love to know what it is. I'm relying on the fest for details. I'm just looking for enough information to lure folk into looking...

The list I have so far is here: Stargate Fests List. I'm hoping it becomes a lot longer soon!

Tell me what you think!

Tags: 2022, fests

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