goddess47 (goddess47) wrote,

Phew! Finished!

With a huge push yesterday and today I more-or-less finished my Rough Trade fic with 26K words *and* I broke 50K for the month. The Rough Trade fic is on the web site here: https://www.roughtrade.org/category/projects/dickinson/sixth-year-harry-potter/ It needs a lot of work but it feels good to be done.

I'm exhausted.

And I have yet to do three (!) Christmas exchanges. One has a good start and the other two have solid outlines.

And I like to keep up the writing daily momentum by doing [community profile] adventdrabbles on Dreamwidth. There is a daily holiday-related prompt. It's multi-fandom, so join in if you're so inclined.

And folk I know are hosting [community profile] comment_fic on Live Journal this week and next.

Oh. And I try to keep up with the weekly prompt on Full Moon Ficlet on Tumblr.

Maybe not so finished. But it is fun!


This entry was originally posted at https://goddess47.dreamwidth.org/122119.html. Comment here or there as you please.
Tags: 2021, rl

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