goddess47 (goddess47) wrote,

Two SGA Stories

These are the last two stories I needed to make 2 vertical lines in [community profile] trope_bingo. Having two lines is a miracle, since I rarely make a single line!

Somehow, I've not written as many SGA stories this year, so here they are!

Title: Close Quarters
Prompt: Sleeping arrangements -- also for [community profile] mcsheplets prompt 153 - storm
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character/Pair: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagen, Ronon Dex
Words: 939
Rating: G
Summary: They needed to seek shelter from the rain.
Warnings: None

Title: Key to the Future -- Maybe, Maybe Not
Prompt: Immortality/Reincarnation -- also for [community profile] mcsheplets prompt 182 - Responsibility
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character/Pair: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Words: 1174
Rating: G
Summary: It was another hint from the semi-useful Ancient database where the linguists didn't agree on the translation. Business as usual.
Warnings: None This entry was originally posted at https://goddess47.dreamwidth.org/93272.html. Comment here or there as you please.
Tags: 2020, sga

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