goddess47 (goddess47) wrote,

The Dating Game || Stargate Atlantis || PG

Title: The Dating Game
Author: [personal profile] goddess47
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Rating: PG
Genre: Action/Adventure, Romance
Word Count: 465

Summary:  "I need you to fake date me!" Rodney declared as he rushed into John's office.

Notes: Yay! I now have a straight line bingo! We all win!

For [community profile] mcsheplets #258: luxury and my [profile] tropebingo card: fake relationship

Fic on AO3

This entry was originally posted at https://goddess47.dreamwidth.org/86292.html. Comment here or there as you please.
Tags: 2020, sga

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